Archive | December, 2010

The Manifestation Of God – January 2011 Synchroblog

13 Dec

January Synchroblog:

The Manifestation of God

1/12/2011 (second Wednesday)

This month’s synchroblog’s theme is inspired by the season of Epiphany which begins on January 6 and ends the day before Ash Wednesday.  The word “epiphany” is rich in meaning.  Epiphany is derived from the Greek epiphaneia and means manifestation, shining forth, revelation or appearance. In a religious context, the term describes the appearance of an invisible divine being in a visible form. It can also indicate a sudden realization or comprehension of the (larger) essence or meaning of something.  An “epiphany” might refer to those times in life when something becomes manifest, a deep realization, a sudden recognition that changes one’s view of themselves or their social condition and often sparks a reversal or change of heart.  In the spirit of Epiphany we invite you to share stories, experiences and/or thoughts about “The Manifestation of God”

Please plan to submit your name, name of blog, title of post and link in the comment section of the January announcement at the Synchroblog website on 1/11/2011 if you would like to be included in this synchroblog.  The list of participants and links will be compiled and posted on 1/12/2011.  We ask that each participant include the list of participants and links at the end of their synchroblog post.

2011 Synchroblogs Coming Up

13 Dec


SYNCHROBLOG –  Jan, Feb, Mar 2011

Subscribe to our website and join our Facebook page to receive reminders and updates.


The Manifestation of God – 1/12/2011 (second Wednesday)


January’s synchroblog’s theme is inspired by the season of Epiphany which begins on January 6 and ends the day before Ash Wednesday.  The word “epiphany” is rich in meaning.  Epiphany is derived from the Greek epiphaneia and means manifestation, shining forth, revelation or appearance. In a religious context, the term describes the appearance of an invisible divine being in a visible form. It can also indicate a sudden realization or comprehension of the (larger) essence or meaning of something.  An “epiphany” might refer to those times in life when something becomes manifest, a deep realization, a sudden recognition that changes one’s view of themselves or their social condition and often sparks a reversal or change of heart.  In the spirit of Epiphany we invite you to share stories, experiences and/or thoughts about “The Manifestation of God”


Please plan to submit your name, name of blog, title of post and link in the comment section of the January announcement at the Synchroblog website on 1/11/2011 if you would like to be included in this synchroblog.  The list of participants will be compiled and posted on 1/12/2011.




Creativity and Christianity – 2/9/2011 (second Wednesday)


The February synchroblog theme is “Creativity and Christianity”.  It’s wide open but here are some questions to get the creative juices flowing:  Is there a connection between art/creativity and Christianity? Is creativity spiritual in nature?  Is there such a thing as “Christian Art”?  Does creativity have anything to do with spiritual formation?  What is needed for art to qualify as Christian?  Is our theology shaped or influenced by creativity/art?  Is creativity/art vital to our faith?  How does creativity/art impact Christian thought and/or Christian praxis?  Is there a particular form of art that has impacted your spiritual journey?  Should there be a distinction between sacred and secular art?  Is Christianity experiencing a “creative crisis”?  Is creativity and our knowledge of God connected?


Please plan to submit your name, name of blog, title of post and link in the comment section of the February announcement at the Synchroblog website on 2/8/2011 if you would like to be included in this synchroblog.  The list of participants will be compiled and posted on 2/9/2011.



Experiences In The Wilderness – 3/9/2011 (second Wednesday)


During the season of Lent we are reminded that all of us experience wilderness times in our lives – times of searching, of mourning, of anticipating, of waiting, of watching, of unknowing, of struggling, of preparation.  Join us during the season of Lent for this month’s synchroblog as we reflect and share insights and thoughts about “Experiences In The Wilderness”.


Please plan to submit your name, name of blog, title of post and link in the comment section of the March announcement at the Synchroblog website on 3/8/2011 if you would like to be included in this synchroblog.  The list of participants will be compiled and posted on 3/9/2011.










Link List for Advent – A Journey

7 Dec

I believe this is the final list of links as of 8 a.m. EST in the U.S. … please do not let this stop you from contributing. Put your post in the comments, I’ll check them from time to time and add you to the list.

I want to thank everyone for participating; I’ve had the chance to skim through some of these excellent posts and as usual, they are wonderful. I’m looking forward to a return trip to fully immerse myself in what all of you have to say on this subject.

peace, Sonja

Please Join The Synchroblog Journey through Advent

3 Dec

Advent is the dawn of a journey that leads us not only to Bethlehem but potentially to a new understanding of our relationship to God and his beloved creation. Share your thoughts about the journey of advent during this inspirational season.

“I remember an Advent season 17 years ago.  I was expecting our first child and we anticipated the birth in late January.  It was a very busy season as I was working then for Prison Fellowship and had found their Angel Tree program.  I was very inspired by this program and brought it to our church. ”

Those sentences came to me the other day as I was sewing away working on Christmas gifts for my nieces.  I know that somehow they are the beginning of my post on Advent, but I have no idea where they will lead.  Won’t you join me to as we journey into Advent this December?

Please post the link to your post in the comments section here (by 6 p.m. CST on Tuesday, December 7, 2010), or on the wall for our event at our Facebook page and we’ll scoop them all up and post the links together for some pre-Christmas linky-love.